The Newborn Nurse Podcast
This podcast covers all things about NEWBORNS! We interview experts in the Newborn and Mother-Baby community who offer their advice, expertise, services, and resources for families with newborns. We hope this podcast can help each of you get the right information you need to feel confident and empowered as a new parent, and to relax and ENJOY the Newborn chapter in your life!
The Newborn Nurse Podcast
New Dads with Newborns
Today, we interview two amazing new dads, Tyler and Chase, and ask them all about planning and preparing for a new baby. We discuss the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum time, and ideas, tips, and tricks they used to get ready for a new baby and help support their spouses.
For so many new dads, there aren't many places to go to feel ready and prepared, and we hope this podcast helps!
If you, or someone you know is a new dad, you will definitely want to listen and take notes from these amazing dads!!!
#newborn #newdad #askforhelp #dadsrock #planforbaby #snoo #sleeptraining #laboranddelivery #postpartum #lactation
To get more information and/or purchase our "Newborn Care 101 Online Course", go to this link!